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If you thought you’d be financially set in retirement throughout your life only to find out you’ve come up short, you may worry. Without a life insurance plan, you may not have anything to leave your loved ones to take care of your final expenses.

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At this point in your life, life insurance is unaffordable, right?

Once you’re ‘older,’ life insurance companies don’t want to insure you, especially if you have health problems. Now what?

You might be eligible for guaranteed life insurance for seniors without a medical exam. If you aren’t in ‘perfect health’ and are ‘up in age,’ it’s the perfect answer. Check out the rates available in your area – they may be lower than you think.

But is it a smart move? Should you take a policy that doesn’t require a medical exam? Should you pay for life insurance at your age?

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The good news is you can choose from plenty of life insurance policies, regardless of your health status. We review the life insurance policy for seniors with no medical exam below.

How No Medical Life Insurance Works

It sounds crazy – you don’t need a medical exam to get life insurance? That’s always the epitome of life insurance and what keeps many people from buying it.

There is such a thing, though. Insurance companies offering no medical exam life insurance quotes accept anyone who applies for life insurance as long as you can answer a few simple questions; more on that below.

Guaranteed life insurance for seniors without a medical exam, otherwise known as final expense life insurance, usually has much smaller face values – up to $25,000, maybe slightly more. That’s how insurance companies get away without the medical exam.

They guarantee coverage for your final expenses and charge higher premiums than policies with a medical exam. That’s it.

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Otherwise, guaranteed life insurance for seniors without a medical exam works just like any other policy.

How to Qualify for No Medical Life Insurance

Since there’s no medical exam, the qualifying process is simple. You complete an application for life insurance, just like anyone else. With life insurance companies that do not require a medical exam, you must answer a few simple questions to get approved.

The questions are straightforward and ask about the following:

  • Are you a smoker?
  • Do you have HIV?
  • Do you live in a nursing home or hospital?
  • Do you have a terminal illness?

If you can answer ‘no’ to the above, you’re in – that’s all it takes.

Why Seniors Need Life Insurance

Even in your senior years, life insurance is important. It may not be the ‘income replacement’ you needed in your younger years.

mom and daughter in discussion

This time around, it’s time to prepare your loved ones for your final expenses. Funerals and burials are expensive. On average, they cost $10,000 and sometimes a lot more. That’s just your final arrangements. What about your medical expenses and/or financial obligations you’re leaving behind?

Think about your financial state of affairs. Do you have credit card debts or personal loans? Did you take out a reverse mortgage?

Note that:

Today, seniors are living longer and aging in place, so they’re facing more expenses. Leaving your loved ones with those expenses probably isn’t how you want to leave this earth. You’d rather know they had the financial assistance they need to cover your final costs – which they can with guaranteed life insurance for seniors without a medical exam.

Pros and Cons

Like any life insurance policy, no medical life insurance policies, sometimes known as guaranteed life insurance policies, have pros and cons.


  • You can secure life insurance no matter your health (with a few exceptions)
  • The approval is instant
  • You don’t have to worry about ‘red flags’ from the medical exam
  • It’s easy to understand


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Term Life Insurance vs. Whole Life – Which is Better for Seniors?

Choosing between term and whole life is one of the most important decisions when considering no medical exam life insurance. To decide, ask yourself the following:

  • Are you covering a specific event?

For example, if you have a mortgage with 5 or 10 years left, a 10-year term policy would ensure you pay the mortgage off and don’t leave your loved ones with the burden. This is the perfect reason to choose the term life insurance without a medical exam for seniors.

  • Do you have a long-term need?

If you want your loved ones to have money to cover your final expenses, you need whole life insurance without a medical exam and health questions policy. It lasts your entire life, giving your loved ones the money to handle your final medical expenses, burial, and financial needs.

The Average Cost of No Medical Life Insurance

The average cost of guaranteed life insurance for seniors without a medical exam varies by age. The older you get, the more expensive the policy becomes. But with the right steps, you can find an affordable policy.

Here are the average no-medical exam life insurance quotes for you.

Insurance at Age 55

When you turn 55, you realize you’re much closer to retirement than not. At this point, your term life policies may expire or will expire soon. You know you don’t have much money saved for your final expenses, and you worry about your loved ones.

A no medical exam term life insurance policy for males at this age would cost $24/month for a $10,000 policy. Females would pay $19 per month. If you prefer a whole life policy, it increases to $270/month and $245/month, respectively.

Happy Senior Couple

Insurance at Age 65

Most people retire at age 65 or are close to it. This is a great time to assess your financial situation. Do you have enough in your retirement account to cover your cost of living and leave your loved ones with money, or should you supplement?

You must choose between term life and whole life insurance if you supplement. At this age, men pay an average of $84/month for $100,000 in term life insurance for 10 years and $441 for $100,000 in whole life insurance. Females pay $51/month for $100,000 in term life insurance for 10 years and $398 for $100,000 in whole life insurance.

Insurance at age 75

By the time you are 75 years old, you know where you stand financially. If funds are running low, you may look for ways to supplement your family’s income so they can honor your final wishes or take care of your final arrangements.

Life insurance for seniors over 75 with no medical exam will likely be your best bet. Any policy with a medical exam will catch even the most minor health issues and send your premiums soaring. For example, many seniors at this age have diabetes. No-exam life insurance for diabetes may leave you with premiums as follows at age 75. A $100,000 10-year term policy costs males $254/month and females $171/month.

From there, the prices keep increasing. The best way to ensure cheap life insurance for seniors without a medical exam is to secure a policy as early as possible. Most companies offer guaranteed life insurance by age 50, giving you plenty of opportunities to lock in the lowest rates possible.

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Top Providers Offering No Medical Life Insurance

Finding the best life insurance with no medical exam for seniors isn’t as hard as you think. It’s a common policy today that many ‘big’ insurance companies offer. Here are our top favorites.


AIG offers no medical exam life insurance policy for seniors with no waiting period. They can get you up and go in a few days, and your coverage starts immediately. AIG is for applicants between ages 50 and 85, and they have level premiums (your premiums never change).

Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha offers guaranteed life insurance policies for applicants ages 45 – 85 years old. Mutual of Omaha offers access to a funeral concierge who helps your loved ones through funeral planning. The premiums also remain level for your lifetime.

Gerber Life

Gerber Life insurance isn’t just for kids. They have a great final expense insurance plan for seniors too. They offer insurance for ages 50 – 80 years old. They have a 2-year waiting period, though, so if you die within the first 2 years of your policy, your loved ones only receive the premiums you paid plus a small percentage (usually 10%).

Check out which life insurance companies are available in your area.

Should you Consider No Medical Exam Life Insurance for Seniors?

No medical exam life insurance for seniors is a great way to supplement your retirement income and ensure your loved ones have what they need.

The last thing you want is your loved ones to have financial issues while grieving your loss. If you can afford the premiums (there are many options), it’s one of the best things you can do for your family before you die.

Look at your financial situation as early as possible. Do you have enough money to enjoy life and leave your loved ones with money? Have your other life insurance policies expired? Do you have a lot of debt?

Once you answer these questions, you’ll know how to protect your loved ones. Securing guaranteed life insurance is a way to ensure your loved one’s financial security while they honor your final wishes. Life insurance is one of the best financial planning tools to ensure you and your family have a financially secure life. Finding life insurance companies that do not require a medical exam is the best way to meet those needs.


Meet Aaron H., a senior life insurance agent from California with 15+ years of experience. With a major in finance, excellent analytical and communication skills, and a passion for helping clients find personalized solutions, Aaron is a trusted advisor in the industry. He stays up-to-date on the latest trends and developments by attending webinars and workshops, reading industry blogs, and writing informative blog posts on this website. Aaron also has a keen understanding of SEO and online marketing, which he uses to help his clients reach a wider audience and get the coverage they need. He cherishes spending quality time with his wife, two children, and elder parents.